Fildena 100 (purple 100 pill) for erectile dysfunction

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Fildena 100 purple tablet use for the erectile dysfunction in men.



What is the use of Fildena 100?

Fildena 100 can be used to treat early erectile dysfunction issues. In addition, it has Sildenafil. This helps to keep an erection in place for a prolonged period. Your doctor might choose to boost the dosage to that amount daily.

Doctors can only prescribe an increase in dosage when the current dose of medicine isn't enough, and you haven't experienced any adverse effects like nausea and nervousness.

Work of Fildena 100 mg?

The stomach can take Fildena 100 purple pill, and Sildenafil activates in 30 minutes. In contrast, Sildenafil can be activated within between 4 and 6 hours. It blocks the serotonin transporter from having control over the ejaculation process. Thus, you'll have an appropriate erection and control of the ejaculation within a little more than an hour.

How to Use Fildena 100?

Because Fildena 100 is an oral medication, the tablet must be taken in a single glass. It is best to drink only water and then swallow the whole. Avoid breaking or crushing the tablet using your teeth. Because the tablet contains Sildenafil citrate hydrochloride, it is recommended to consume it at least an hour before sexual activity.

Dosages of Fildena 100

One tablet worth of fildena 100mg is enough. Do not exceed one tablet per day. If you have more severe instances of ED, you may require taking the medications for a prolonged period of time to have a happy sex experience. Patients with mild problems with ejaculation can heal by themselves with time, like months or even years after starting the treatment.

What are the advantages of Fildena 100 tablets?

Fildena 100 purple pills are beneficial if you take this tablet exactly as your doctor has instructed you to. It is recommended that when taking medication, you drink an ounce of water as well. The suggested starting dose is one tablet 3 to 4 hours before sexual activity. 

Dose: Fildena 50 | Fildena double 200

As previously mentioned, don't take more than one tablet within 24 hours of taking the pill if it doesn't work.

Fildena 100 purple is not to be used more than once per day. So, you must use the tablet before scheduling sexual activity. It is bitter tasting. However, you don't have to be concerned as you will need to take it whole without chewing. Taking medicine in conjunction with food intake is possible to reduce the adverse effect.
