Do Hair Transplants Change The Texture Of Your Hair?

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Getting a hair transplant procedure offers you the best solution to get rid of hair loss. But does a hair transplant change hair texture? Read on to learn more.

Many people suffering from hair loss tend to look for effective hair restoration procedures to help them keep their hair or stop further hair loss. The hair transplant Palm Spring procedure is the most effective hair restoration procedure because it helps you to stop hair loss and allows your hair to grow. To get the best results from a hair trasnplant procedure, you need to make sure that you choose the best hair restoration doctor. Dr. John Kahen from Palm Desert is a reputable doctor who has years of experience and expertise in hair restoration procedures. He is fluent in all kinds of hair restoration procedures, including the hair transplant Palm Spring procedure. 

What is a hair transplant procedure? 

The hair transplant procedure involves removing or harvesting graft hair from areas of the scalp with sufficient and healthy hair. The method is pretty straightforward since the hair restoration surgeon uses the patient’s hair to restore hair that has refused to grow. The result is thick, healthy hair growing where hair falls. However, many people are curious to know whether a Palm spring hair transplant procedure can change hair texture after the procedure. Let’s find out. 

Does hair transplant change hair texture? 

The answer is it depends. Having a hair transplant hardly changes the hair texture. The reason being that the surgeon uses hair follicles harvested from your own hair. Most people who undergo a hair transplant want to achieve a full head of hair. However, not all areas of your scalp will have the same hair texture. 

The hair at the back of the scalp is often thick and strong. This area is where most surgeons harvest donor hair. If you are suffering from male pattern baldness, the hair area that is suffering from hair loss may be weak. This means that or won’t have the same texture as the hair from the back of your scalp. If there is going to be any change, it won’t be noticeable. 

Hair density changes

Your hair’s density is what usually changes, especially in the balding areas. Contrary to what many people think, this does not mean that the hair texture has changed. In a hair transplant procedure, hair density is quite important. It is hard to see through if a person has a full head of hair. The hair is actually very dense to see through to the scalp. What many hair restoration doctors want to achieve is full hair on the recipient area. This will make the end result look quite natural 


The hair transplant procedure is a great way to restore lost hair. The procedure allows you to grow your own hair but in another area of your scalp. This means that the hair texture hardly changes because the doctor uses the patient’s hair. Unlike other types of hair restoration that need constant management to maintain healthy hair growth after treatment, you only have to have one or two hair transplant sessions to get rid of hair loss permanently. 
