The Digital Marketing Era

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Businesses are actively marketing their goods and services on social media networks

Socializing with friends and strangers to form ever-larger "circles" of family, friends, business contacts, people with similar interests, and philosophies is a fundamental human characteristic. This desire to communicate with others is not limited by mediums or even language barriers. With the proliferation of mobile internet, this desire to connect has spread globally via social media sites.As of 2020, there were 3.96 billion social media users worldwide, accounting for slightly more than half of the world's population. In developed countries around the world, that figure rises to more than 80%. As a result, businesses are actively marketing their goods and services on social media networks, employing specialised tools and techniques known as "Social Media Marketing," or "SMM." Because every social media platform represents a potential marketing opportunity, businesses prefer specific platforms based on brand presence, positioning, and customer base. The top 4 SMM platforms in the world are Facebook (along with Instagram), YouTube, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Strategies for Social Media Marketing

1) SEO aided by social media vs. on-platform eCommerce
Social media platforms are vital marketing channels for businesses. Strategies such as digital ads, backlinks, and so on are critical for redirecting traffic to websites and advancing potential clients along their purchasing journeys. However, recent advancements in social media platforms and apps enable the creation of stores and the completion of so-called "in-app purchases" without ever leaving the platform. As more mobile internet users access specific content online through their social media feeds rather than search engines, in-app purchases can be an important part of a company's eCommerce strategy.

2) Participation and Accessibility
Consumers today prefer to interact with those with whom they do business. It is no longer just a transaction in which money is exchanged for a utilitarian product, but rather a deeper connection in which consumers want experiences rather than products paid for through a negotiated exchange that includes their delight. In exchange, the seller receives the buyer's genuine endorsement in their own voice on social media, a practise known as e-word of mouth. Modern marketing methods have evolved into "Experiential Marketing," with Social Media as a key component.

3) Viral Marketing and Content Marketing Content
Marketers are well aware that developing trust is the key to unlocking consumers' wallets. This trust is hard to earn and easily lost, so businesses use a variety of strategies to foster it. One of these methods is content marketing, which is the practise of providing free content or useful information to build goodwill and, as a result, buyer affinity for the brand.Free articles, guides, whitepapers, how-to videos, instructional material, games, podcasts, interactive consultations with experts, and much more are examples of social media content marketing. In some cases, content can go "viral," meaning it can be forwarded, re-tweeted, and viewed by millions, if not billions, of people all over the world due to its rich content, emotional appeal, or shock value. For businesses, viral content is a difficult but extremely profitable way of reaching millions of potential customers, and it has spawned another social media phenomenon: influencer marketing.
